It’s been a long time! I shouldn’t have left you…
As always, this blog is a great way to keep track of my intellectual comings & goings, especially as they relate to Speculative Blackness, its subject matter, and the questions it evokes. This year I’m privileged to be invited into many spaces for conversation. Back to school! Here’s where I’ll be in Fall and Winter, as of now:

October 3: Race & Difference Colloquium at Emory University’s James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race & Difference in Atlanta, GA, in incredible company (above)!
October 19: Colloquium in African American Studies at Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
(further details TBD)
October 29: Roundtable on Speculative Blackness at the Society for Utopian Studies conference, St. Petersburg, FL with some of the society’s leading thinkers!
November 3: Roundtable on “Rethinking the Technosocial Imaginary, Decolonizing Futurities” at the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts conference in Atlanta, GA, with a galaxy of stars including the people behind the Science Fiction & Technoculture Studies program at UC Riverside!
November 19: Roundtable on “The Future of Black and American Studies: Black Cultural Politics in the 21st Century” at the American Studies Association conference in Denver, CO, with Dr. Khadijah White, Aymar Jean Christian, and Madison Moore!
February 3-4, 2017: Keynote address at the Futurities of Blackness Symposium at Duke University, Durham, NC, with the @redclayscholar, Dr. Regina Bradley!
(further details TBD)
By the time the one year anniversary of Speculative Blackness comes around, I will have brought it to thousands of people. Hopefully you’ll keep reading and listening, and I know I’ll keep learning from the people with whom I get to share my work.