The video from my talk at the Colloquium on Race & Difference at Emory University‘s James Weldon Johnson Institute is live! Unfortunately, the Q&A isn’t part of the video. But as usual, it was the best part of the event. Trust.
This was an excellent short trip. I got to meet the indefatigable Dr. Andra Gillespie and Dr. Kali-Ahset Amen, the fellows who are currently working with them, and really engaged community members including a couple young enterprising women from Agnes Scott College. I also signed some books, found a potential connect for the Comics and Popular Arts conference at DragonCon, and met Dr. Patricia Ventura of Spelman, with whom I’ve corresponded about a special issue of Utopian Studies. Neat! I also got a tour through the current exhibition on Black arts and activism from Dr. Pellom McDaniels III (the third y’all). After getting back (and dealing with a cold ??) I had the good fortune to talk about related topics with the American Literature Working Group at UPenn. This is a really good way to move forward on my second project, which is the purpose for my next trip:
Well, actually… Evanston!
I’m doing a lecture/colloquium for African American Studies at Northwestern. Coming soon–From Speculative Blackness to Audiofuturism: Sound Studies and the Alchemy of Race. This was all in the midst of the premiere of Luke Cage on Netflix, or, as I prefer to describe it, the start of my engagement to marry Luke Cage. Amidst all of this, however, I haven’t watched Atlanta. Because I don’t have a TV. I’ll probably buy the whole season, but til then…