I was honored and geeked to the max to be invited to record with The Black Tribbles for the April episode of Tribble Nation! This monthly show is part of the glittering constellation of Black Tribbles programming helmed by Len “Bat Tribble” Cruze, in collaboration with Philadelphia’s WHYY radio. So this was the second time in my life (and the second time this month!) I’ve used a real-life radio mic in a real-life radio studio.
We talked about Speculative Blackness, shared thoughts on the media texts I examine in the book, and then shifted to a wonderful discussion of Moments with Octavia with my esteemed colleague Dr. Vincent Williams and Invisible Universe filmmaker M. Asli Dukan, as well as co-host Charlie Brownskin, aka Lilith Tribble, the force behind North Philly’s Treehouse Books. You knew there would be selfies, right? Take a listen, and stay tuned for an update: video of my induction to Tribble Nation as Speculative Tribble!