That’s called Afrofuturism. LMBAO.
I’m cooking up a review of Black Panther, because of course. In short, I feel fed. I have thoughts, but I also have feelings. Especially regarding the ending. It just hit me right in the Blackness!
I want to highlight a couple reviews/commentaries that I found edifying and entertaining.
Unreasonable Fridays #22! feat. my esteemed colleague/real-life Shuri-level genius Dacia Mitchell.
The Black Guy Who Tips #1621
And one that I found infuriating. I have feelings about why this is, and some of my thoughts on why are anticipated, fortunately, elsewhere. It’s all good.
For now, I’m using this occasion to do one of my favorite things: periodization! I have to edit my c.v. for TOP SECRET BLACK ALERT reasons, and I have put some forthcoming/works-in-progress items on the agenda, because I realize fellowship selection committees and the like need to know what I’m doing in the almost-present. Some names I will mention, on the low: Safundi, Modernism/Modernity, Escape Velocity, Keywords for…
So, like, professionalization becomes a genre of Black-militant-near-future fiction. I realize I have so much in the works that I feel like I can’t talk about, because it doesn’t contribute to a straight through-line. But instead, as is so often the case among my favorite people, it’s part of a web-building process, an outwardly- and inwardly-expanding increasing complexity. It’s cool. We contain multitudes. #WakandaForever 🙅🏿♂️🙅🏿♀️