andré m. carrington, Ph.D.

#IssaThrone & Other News

Greetings, true believers… in addition to getting HBO Now (worth it!) to catch this season of #DemThrones as it proceeds [SPOILERS below], I just returned from a much-needed vacay to 1) cuddle with the dog and 2) pick up where I left off in that wide world of sports we know as blackademic life. Some of it, I’m too excited to talk about. Other parts are share-worthy.

The freshest update I have to share is that the special issue of ASAP/Journal on Queer Form featuring an essay I wrote on “New Materialism & Black Form” is now live, online. Read all about it. Look at these relaxing photos from the magical mystery tour, while you’re at it…

A Venezuelan Troupial! I love Icterids!

The Motion of Light in Water, amirite?

More on this later, but the next big thing is this: the Call for Papers for Fans of Color/Fandoms of Color, a special issue of Transformative Works & Cultures guest edited by Abigail De Kosnik and yours truly.


In addition, all systems are go for Escape Velocity 2017, the STEAM education/entertainment con affiliated with the Museum of Science Fiction in Washington, DC! I’ll be presenting alongside the coolest of the cool… matter of fact, what’s cooler than cool?

Ice cold!


Stoked to be part of the Afrofuturism panel in the company of the indispensable Sheree Renee Thomas, De Witt Kilgore, and Thaddeus Howze. And get this–the SF Criticism panel with Aisha Matthews, organizer extraordinaire and one of the editors of MOSF Journal of Science Fiction published out of the University of Maryland, and Patrick Sharp, is leading me straight into a criticism roundtable for Utopian Studies with some colleagues from thereabouts. Getting the band back together! Could this be… dare I say it… the continuity of a scholarly community?! In Science Fiction Studies? ¡No me digas!


More to come…


RIP Lady Olenna Tyrell, First of Her Name, Queen of Thorns, The Read-bearer, Mother of Shade, The Un-Played, sipping on that Lean of the Poppy like it’s a cold pop. She snatched Cersei’s edges worse than Septa Unella, and from a distance. She was like, “Oh, and let your sister-wife know I killed your little friends, too. Now run tell dat.” Legendary.

Dressed in all black like the Omen

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