©️ 2016 Malik Isasis
They invited me to take part in Call & Response at their home, which is situated in my old stomping grounds of Ditmas Park, and I happily I obliged. The video is currently being edited. In the meantime, check out a previous installment of the series featuring Sociologist Ginetta Candelario. In her interview, among other topics, Dr. Candelario discusses negrophobia (literally, fear of Blackness, but so much more).
Here’s a bonus: one of Malik’s short films, Lena’s Complicated Machine, imagines the implications of death, love, and time travel. It’s better on that account than Interstellar, in my opinion, and if you know me, you know I enjoyed that movie. Have a look at the trailer, below.
Aren’t you excited now?! View the film, buy the soundtrack, and watch this space for the premiere of our Call & Response episode.